About Us

Kyal Cundall

Director & Videographer

Ross Noonan

Director & Photographer

How we got here.

The story of Taurid Media begins with Kyal Cundall and Ross Noonan; initially colleagues at a leading global manufacturer of consumer technology, they then became firm friends and are now the Directors of Taurid Media. 

Kyal is passionately creative and studied BA in Motion Picture at the African Film and Drama Academy, Cape Town. An experienced videographer and motion graphic designer, Kyal has worked in the film industry and created content for over a decade.  After working his way through every aspect of video production he has produced high quality content for international brands such as Select Models, Stonegate, Findon Homes, Optoma and many more. Kyal is obsessed with all aspects of video production; he thoroughly enjoys post-production where he breathes creative life into his projects and finishes them to the highest standard. 

Ross completed an HNC in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Business Management before his career progressed into sales and marketing. Primarily working with premium audio-visual equipment, Ross also managed expert installations and has over a decade of experience in the technology industry. An avid photographer in his free time, Ross has spent years honing his skills and mastering the latest equipment. The combination of Ross’ love of photography and his professional history is what makes him an exceptional photographer in any setting.

Kyal and Ross shared a joint vision to collaborate their skills in some way since they first became friends and it was during the Covid-19 pandemic their dream was realised. The pair were troubled by the declining economy at the time as many high-street businesses were struggling. They felt compelled to reach out to local businesses, offering their services to help support the local community by giving businesses the content they needed to have their voices heard. It was then that Kyal and Ross joined forces to offer a bespoke solution to businesses in need of affordable, high quality marketing content. Taurid Media was born.

Taurid what?

13,000 years ago Comet Encke emerged from deep space and thundered past Jupiter at over 2,000mph.  Slowly it began its curvature towards our home planet gathering speed and destroying all in its path. As it hurtled onwards it began to fragment, leaving a trail of space debris known as the Taurid Meteor Stream, which Earth travels through annually to this day.

At this time Earth was in the middle of a mini Ice Age and the Northern Hemisphere was covered in ice a mile thick. Part of Encke’s debris plummeted through Earth’s atmosphere, breaking into two large fragments that smashed into Northern Alaska and Antarctica with devasting force.

This caused a tsunami of floodwater as high as 1,000 feet to rage across the planet at speeds of 300mph, erasing all in its path as far south as Northern Brazil. When it finally ground to a halt the water levels around the globe were over 150 meters higher than before, never to recede.

Earth’s landscape was changed forever and so were its inhabitants.

Cave paintings, hieroglyphs, folklore and religious literature from every continent tell tales of giant floods; stories handed down through generations. New evidence suggests that there were in fact advanced civilisations inhabiting Earth at the time of Encke’s impact, all of whom were wiped from existence.

Today the Taurid Meteor Stream can be observed annually between September and November. A galactic display of shooting stars leaving all who witness them in awe. A beautiful reminder of a sinister past.

The Taurid Meteors caused an impact and so too will our content. Welcome to Taurid Media.